The longest and hottest day

Leaving Vancouver at 10 AM, and arriving in Glasgow at 9:00 AM the next day, and then touring Edinburgh for the majority of the day... that's a long day.  The kids were great, and now it's about quarter to 9, their stomachs are full of gourmet mash and sticky toffee, and as far as I can hear nobody is awake in the hostel.  We're staying in the this 200 year old building, and we have the entire hostel to ourselves for 3 days.  The kids can be as noisy as they want!  But right now... no sounds except birds chirping outside.  The sun is still shining outside (very long summer days here in Scotland), and this one has been unusually warm - with temperatures near 30 C the natives are melting.
Mr. Johnson lived and worked in Edinburgh for a year, and he deftly guided us through an orientation to the city, filling us in with stories of hangings and half-hangings, loyal terriers and disloyal covenanters, pub ghosts and cemetery poltergeists; he made sure we had our fill of "stops of historical significance". 

Inside St. Giles - the home church of Presbyterianism.  John Knox is buried in the parking lot under stall 23.

Our guide is easy to spot.

"No Foto!"

The loyal Scottish Terrier who visited his master's grave every day for 14 years.

The loyal Scottish Terrier's own pub.

Enjoying the rare Scottish warmth. 
Bad luck, apparently.

Searching for poltergeists in the cemetery.

"Which way do we look?" 
Outside of St. Giles.

Descending the Scott Monument.

Huge and imposing.  Also, the monument is pretty big.

Inside St. Giles.

Amazing vegetarian Haggis mash at Makar's Gourmet Mash Bar. 
HUGE sticky toffee pudding.

Sophie asked me to put this on the blog.  But she wasn't alone - everyone was really tired after eating our mash and pudding.

But for Mr. J, nobody should ever be too tired for one last stop of historical significance.


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